Posts tagged NUTRITION
A Holistic Nutritionist’s Thoughts on Ozempic

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’ve caught wind of the recent Ozempic hype. Ozempic and other GLP-1 RA medications (I’ll expand on what that means shortly) have entered the global spotlight as the hot health topic among celebrities and across news outlets. While the drug was originally prescribed for diabetes, this “miracle medication” has risen to fame over the last few years due to its impact on rapid weight loss….

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A Holistic Nutritionist’s Guide to Optimal Blood Sugar Levels

Blood sugar imbalances affect over 100 million adults in the United States—and this number continues to rise. With symptoms of fatigue, weight fluctuations, mood swings, excessive thirst, blurred vision, increased urination, headaches,  infections, nerve damage, and delayed wound healing, many people may not realize that these signs often signify blood sugar abnormalities….

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Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics: Do We Need All Three?

Did you know that there are currently trillions of microorganisms living in your body? That’s about ten times more microorganisms than cells! And while some of these “bad” microorganisms do hold the potential to make you sick, most are considered “good” and live in the body harmoniously to provide incredible benefits for a healthy human host….

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The Link Between Gut Health and Menopause: How Nutrition Might Help

What comes to mind when you see or hear the word menopause? I know for most of my clients, menopause often provokes a gut-wrenching reaction being that it’s typically associated with uncomfortable symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, migraines, and mood fluctuations. Well, believe it or not, this inevitable stage of a woman’s life doesn’t have to be as terrible as it’s normally depicted—actually, it’s not supposed to be terrible at all….

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The Best Foods to Optimize Hormone Balance in Pre, Peri, and Post-Menopause

Balancing hormones can be a tricky task, especially for those assigned female at birth who experience monthly hormonal cycles that impact their mood, thoughts, and physical well-being. In this article, we'll explore how to use food to balance hormones and optimize our health during the different phases of the hormonal cycle, providing tips and insight into how to live a more balanced life…

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Why Eating In-Season is Healthier (& More Delicious)

Have you ever noticed that butternut squash tends to taste better in the fall? Your taste buds aren’t deceiving you! The change of seasons makes certain produce that grows best during that season more flavorful because it’s fresher, riper, and juicier than its out-of-season counterpart. In-season produce not only tastes better, but it’s healthier for us, too. I’ve found that I feel better in my body and am more energized when I pay attention to what’s local and seasonally available at the grocery store…

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8 Sneaky Foods That May Be Causing Inflammation

Inflammation is one of those trigger words that you probably automatically associate with “bad.” But when injuries and foreign invaders are present in your body, inflammatory processes act as a defense mechanism to protect and heal you. So, in this sense, you want inflammation to occur! However, you can have “too much of a good thing,” and this idea definitely applies to inflammation….

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5 Ways to Calm Inflammation Naturally

One of my favorite things about being a holistic nutritionist is working with clients from all walks of life. Their symptoms, food preferences, lifestyle choices, and health goals all differ, and each of them is wonderfully unique in their own way. Getting to the root of their health problems is like a different puzzle that I am eager to solve each time I meet someone new….

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Why Your Micros are Just as Important as Your Macros

Many of my clients ask me questions about macronutrients. How much protein to eat, what sources of fat are best, or the most popular: “How should I calculate my macro ratio?” All good questions! My answer? It depends—but the first thing to remember is this: micronutrients are an equally (or arguably more) important part of your health equation. And they’re often forgotten….

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“We don’t need ANOTHER diet:” 10 Techniques to Help You Eat Healthy in the New Year

Many of us plan to eat healthy in the New Year, but what does eating healthy really mean? Is it consuming specific foods in specific quantities? Eating only at certain times of day or in accordance with specific rules? Does it involve pleasure? Is the goal of healthy eating a healthy body? Healthy mind? What does that look like….

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10 Healthy Foods to Incorporate into your Diet Now According to a Holistic Nutritionist

If we were stranded on a desert island and only had access to ten essential foods to optimize our wellness, what would they be? Which foods would not only keep us alive but also help us avoid illness and make it easier to recover from injury, ensuring that we’re thriving when the rescue boat arrives? We asked veteran dietician, Lana Scales, MS, RD, CNSC, ACSM, EP-C to help us curate a list of the foods that make us thrive, whether we’re stuck on an island or, say, trying to stay healthy through a global pandemic….

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