Wondering How to Get Rid of Lingering COVID Symptoms? Try Eating These Foods

Did you know that a lot of people who were diagnosed with COVID are still suffering from lingering symptoms? These people are called COVID long haulers, and they can suffer from health problems for months after recovering from the illness. These long-lasting symptoms can include breathing issues, headaches, and muscle pains. The good news is that there is evidence that what you eat and your lifestyle can improve these lingering symptoms!

Dr. Mark Hyman recently recorded a podcast with Dr. William Li, a well-known physician and author of the book Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself, and it was fascinating! Dr. Li explained that many COVID long haulers have sustained substantial damage to their blood vessels. Blood vessels are so important because they transport blood around the body to all of the organs and tissues and help maintain blood pressure.

Did you know that it’s imperative to lower inflammation in order to grow new blood vessels? Excess inflammation can prevent the body from healing, which is the opposite of ideal. Let’s talk about holistic ways to nourish your blood vessels and bring down inflammation in your body. You can transform your diet to lower inflammation and say goodbye to lingering COVID symptoms for good! Focus on organic, whole foods and avoid anything artificially flavored or sweetened. Keep reading to find out what foods to incorporate for lowered inflammation and potentially reduced long term COVID symptoms. 

1. Beets

Beets have so many incredible benefits that can help ease COVID symptoms. For example, this colorful vegetable can reduce swelling and inflammation. When you eat beets or consume beet juice, your body produces more nitric oxide. Nitric oxide can reduce inflammation, promote blood flow, and lower blood pressure. A 2011 study found that eating a diet high in beets can even improve blood flow to the brain! Because the average diet is full of processed foods, consuming beets is even more critical for healing the lingering symptoms of COVID. 

Although beets can be an acquired taste, I’ve found that making a juice with beets, celery, burdock root, cucumber, lemon, and ginger is so refreshing after some morning movement. Check out more of my juice recipes here!

2. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are always a good idea to incorporate into your diet. In fact, I try to eat them with every single meal. Greens contain antioxidants and vitamins that fight inflammation. Spinach contains vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin B6, Vitamin E, and vitamin C. The fiber in leafy greens also keeps the intestines healthy by eliminating toxins. Next time you’re at the grocery store, swing by the produce section to pick up some spinach, kale, and mesclun greens. It’s so easy to add leafy greens to your meals! I throw some spinach or romaine into my smoothie in the morning or blend them into a soup for lunch. By late afternoon, I’m craving my hearty vegan kale salad with chickpea croutons for extra protein. And for dinner, I turn to something simple like my crunchy lentil salad with mesclun greens.

3. Turmeric

You’ve probably heard about turmeric’s magical anti-inflammatory properties. I’ve seen countless posts on Instagram about turmeric face masks, and it’s healing benefits for your skin. But did you know that when consumedtaken internally, turmeric can be just as healing for your insides, too? 

It’s true! Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric that is anti-inflammatory. Oncogene did a medical study in 2004 that showed turmeric was more potent than aspirin and ibuprofen. Turmeric is related to ginger root, which is another powerful spice. Turmeric may prevent blood clots, can fight inflammation, and helps the liver detoxify the body. There are many recipes for juices with turmeric, but sometimes I like to get a little more creative with how I eat my daily dose. It’s such a flavorful spice, and it gives hummus a delicious amount of kick. Try out my healthy, healing turmeric hummus with some veggie sticks and seed crackers for an anti-inflammatory, protein-rich snack. 

4. Salmon

Salmon contains large number of omega-3s which are potent anti-inflammatory compounds. It’s so important to get enough omega-3s in your diet, and eating wild-caught salmon is a great way to do that! Not only does wild-caught salmon help reduce inflammation, but it also is high in vitamin D and vitamin B12. Your bones, skin, eyes, brain, and hair, will thank you for eating salmon regularly. The great thing about this fish is that you can eat it for any meal. Salmon and avocado make an excellent pairing for breakfast, or you can mix salmon with a salad for a hearty lunch or dinner. I make maple glazed salmon with veggies for dinner every so often, and it’s super easy and flavorful. 

Elissa Goodman is one of LA's premiere Cleanse Experts and Holistic Nutritionists focused on helping fight cancers through transformative lifestyle and diet changes. In this column, Elissa offers wisdom on nutrition, how to support a healthy immune system, and more.